Investors see hot performance, and then they forget about risk. We must never ignore risk and volatility levels. Do not take on more risk and volatility than you can handle. You can choose the volatility levels in your portfolios so you can stay disciplined.
In this short video, John shows you what he keeps on his desk as a constant reminder to never forget about risk for his family, and for his clients. Watch and find out what it is.
Feel free to share this important video to family and friends.
Invest intelligently!
Scott Buchanan
Extremely Important - Know Your Risk
In this video, I explain how to measure the risk and volatility in your portfolio. Why is it important to know your risk measurements? So you know what to expect from historical worst case scenarios and so you can choose a level of risk that you can stay disciplined with.
Every client can have different levels of risk and volatility in their portfolio, from very low risk, to balanced or moderate risk, to very aggressive. The conservative portfolios are less volatile than the moderate, and far less volatile than a 100% stock portfolio. If you have the proper portfolio to begin with, while you will still have the same emotions of fear and greed, you will be less likely to act upon these destructive emotions. If you know your risk measurements you won't be caught off guard when downside volatility occurs, because it will occur.
Everyone loves upside volatility and no one likes downside volatility. The longer term average returns include both upside and downside volatility. Upside and downside volatility can be reduced but not eliminated in the risk part of the portfolio. Investors that tend to take too much risk, or worse, take too much risk and don't know how much risk they are taking, tend to panic and lose large sums of money with market timing issues.
The lesson: Don't be tempted to take on more volatility than you can handle.
Invest intelligently!
Scott Buchanan
Which Rollercoaster Are You On?
A lot of investors have no idea how much volatility can be in their portfolio. They jump into an aggressive portfolio because it had the best past performance, and had no idea how volatile it could be, UNTIL the inevitable downside volatility comes. Do you know which roller coaster you are on? If you are a client of ours, you should. If you don't, call us. Of course, we have some good upside volatility too. Don't miss this short but important lesson on risk and volatility.
Feel free to share this important video to family and friends.
Invest intelligently!
Scott Buchanan
Agressive 100 vs. Balance 50/50 - Real Life Volatility Lesson
In this video, we show you a real life lesson in volatility. We compare a 100% stock allocation to a 50/50 balanced allocation in real accounts. We also show how quickly things can come back after a downturn. Eye opening.
Feel free to share this important video to family and friends.
Invest intelligently!
Scott Buchanan
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